About us
My story
Everyone who bought clothes for kids has been there: you go to a clothing store and there are the girls' clothes, all pink and glittery and full of unicorns and fairies. On the other side the boys: blue and grey, with dinosaurs, robots, and cars. But what do you do when you have a little girl that likes cars or astronauts?
When my then 3-year-old daughter wanted clothes with planets and spaceships, I couldn't find anything suitable in the girls' department. So I went to the boys' department and bought her a nice t-shirt with a rocketship and a monkey as an astronaut. She went to daycare with it the next day and was asked by a 4-year-old boy why she was wearing a boys' t-shirt. Even at that age, not only are the cuts of girls' and boys' t-shirts different, but colors and themes are also assigned very quickly.
With this, my daughter was no longer satisfied with this t-shirt.
I have found myself in similar situations multiple times over the years and got increasingly frustrated. Why couldn’t I find clothing for my two young and smart girls (yes, that is a very objective view) that love spaceships and trucks? Why were those designs only available for boys? That’s when I decided to take action.
Gender stereotypes are ingrained into us already at a very young age. Toys, books, clothes... Boys learn that science and technology is for them, while girls only get princesses and fairies. This way we teach girls to hold back in their interest for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, because it’s not meant for them.
So we decided to do something about it and develop a clothing line for girls that love spaceships, trucks and robots. We need to show girls that everything is possible, that nothing is out of their reach and their future is in their own hands.
Founder of Mint Girls

There is only the best for our girls! Our high quality, sustainable, organic, practical and beautiful clothes are sewn in a factory in Portugal.
Mint Girls is a brand dedicated to empowering girls and keeping their options open.
We make clothes for girls who love science, spaceships, trucks, robots and more. Because who doesn't love that?
Sustainability is an important topic for us and we are looking for solutions that are in line with it. All of our garments are made from organic cotton and we reduce packaging as much as possible. We work together with a production company that has the same values and supports us very well on this way. They firmly believe in creating a truly sustainable fashion industry.
The designs are created by several amazing designers who want to make sure our girls can wear fun and colorful dresses, leggings and shirts. You can find more about our designers here.
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